2007年6月14日 星期四

Chapter Two

P I Z ZA Z !... People Interested in Zippy and ZAny Zcribbling
An Online Resource since 1995 forScribblers and Teachers of English as a Second Languageby Leslie Opp-Beckman
PIZZAZ: People Interested in Zippy and Zany Zcribbling (Opp-Beckman, 2003)
PIZZAZ! is dedicated to providing simple creative writing and oral storytelling activities with copyable (yes, copyable!) handouts for use with students of all ages.
It is divided into five sections: Poetry, Fiction, Bag of Tricks, More Publishing Opportunities, and Other Teacher Resources. Each of them provides many links that has clear descriptions. And when one decides to click in, complete instruction and handouts are provided. Some even have related links of information for the activities.
The ESL Student Level for each activity was stated clearly at the top, the teacher would easily find what kind and what level of activities they want. As for students, most of the resources in the website are not for students, but the instructions are really clear, and the word choices are not difficult. It is really useful for all levels and ages.
The website provides links that can publish something on the webpage.
This website did not provide any evaluation for students. The evaluation depends on the instructor of the activity.
Every activity has great instructions and handouts for students. It is very useful for ESL teachers when they need some ideas.
