2007年6月14日 星期四

Chapter Five

Hot Potatoes

Hot Potatoes Version 6 is the website I visited for Chapter 5: Creativity and Production.

What is Hot Potatoes about?
It is software that allows users to create five kinds of quizzes: JCloze, JMatch, JCross JQuiz, and JMix for the World Wide Web.

What is so special about Hot Potatoes?
Hot potatoes can be used both by teachers and students. Teachers create quiz WebPages to test on how much the students have absorbed. As for students, creating quiz WebPages can be contained into the project they are doing. In order to design the five type of quizzes: Interactive multiple-choice, short answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-filling exercises, students need to have a clear understanding about their topic or project first, which is a kind of training, too.

My Words:
This software is really convenient for creating quizzes but not so convenient to create a quiz website online. The software itself is actually pretty easy to use, because the manipulate environment are basically the same. But here comes a problem: the quizzes are being created into separate pages, even they can be set to connect to each other, the users still have to use another software to create a homepage for them, which means users have to know how to use other software such as Frontpage or Dreamweaver.

1 則留言:

Abby 提到...

I totally agree with you that HOT POTATO can not offer its' users a complete system of webpage-outputting. My partner and I just use other techniques to create our space on the Internet, and put every single quiz together in that "pack." And also a clear shortcoming I want to point out is that these five quizs can not adapt themselves to assessments of full competence. They just can test learners in limited forms. That is a pity for such a used-friendly tool.